Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 4 - Star Power - Parties & Movies

Sunday morning and the alarm rang at 6.45. Seems a bit extreme, no? But there's no rest for the wicked and three cups of Martha's later, I was ready to hit the first film of the day, 'The Skeleton Twins', by Washington State local Craig Johnson. Starring Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig, this film is part of Sundance Film Festival USA
at our Seattle location on Thursday, January 30th. There are some seats left, and they can be purchased here.
The two play twins who grew up under a strained childhood, and are estranged for years until Hader attempts suicide, and goes to live with his sister to recover.Good script and cast including Luke Wilson and Modern Family's Ty Burrell.
I blew off an invite to the British Film Brunch (not in the mood for bangers and mash), and instead watched a fascinating doc called 'Ivory Tower' about the history of 'free education' in America, and what the modern system has become. Students seeking an education these days find themselves strapped with insurmountable debt when they graduate, and there's a real dialogue about the worth of a four year education.
We caught about half of a really enjoyable 'Appropriate Behavior' about a Persian bi-sexual woman struggling with love and meaningful employment in Brooklyn. Really loved it and regretted having to leave early - but parties await. First is the party of the year we most look forward to, hosted by our sisters at the Sundance Channel. It's a grand party every year, hosted by the head of the Channel, my pal Sarah Barnett.
This year did not disappoint, with yummy food, a fully hosted bar, and lots of entertainment.
Here's a bad shot I took with my iphone of Maggie Gyllenhaal who stars in the Sundance Channels new series 'The Honorable Woman'.

Loads of our pals from the other Sundance entities. But, another party begged for my attendance - the annual Industrial Light & Magic party I'm lucky to be invited to, and its always a grand time with local Bay Area friends old and new. And one of my very favorite actors, William H. Macy was there. I interviewed him once - such a nice and polite man, let alone a great actor.

Tomorrow starts at 8.30!!!

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